With holidays just three weeks away, families in the GTA will be in need of food, toys and clothing.
“I think it’s important for places and companies, especially big ones like Starbucks, to do what they can to help those in need,” said Selam Seyum, a local Starbucks barista. “At our store we donate leftover pastries and sandwiches.”
Here is a list of 10 places where you can donate to and help those in need.
- Food for Life Annual Turkey Drive
Food for life will be holding their annual Christmas Turkey Drive on Saturday, Dec. 13 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. The drive will be held at six different Loblaws locations in Oakville and Burlington. Shoppers can donate a turkey and help a hungry family this Christmas season.
- Oakville Fire Fighters Toy Drive
The Oakville fire fighters will be collecting any new, unwrapped toys for families in need. The toys can be dropped off at any local Oakville fire station up until Dec. 18. There is a high demand on toys for infants and children ages 12 and up this year.

- Salvation Army Annual Christmas Kettle Campaign
The Salvation Army has begun its 126th annual Christmas Kettle Campaign, which collects money to help millions of Canadians living in poverty. The campaign is held in 400 communities across Canada. You can find kettles in almost every mall and large corporate stores within your community this holiday season.
- Allstar Wings and Ribs Sponsor Family
The Millcreek location of Allstar Wings and Ribs in Mississauga is sponsoring a family of three for the holidays. They will be raffling off a pair of Leafs tickets on Dec. 3, with all proceeds going to the family.
- The Children of Christmas Past
The Children of Christmas Past is a non-profit organization that provides gifts to seniors and delivers them on Christmas morning. The organization places trees in locations throughout Burlington and Oakville with tags for wanted gifts. The presents can be left at 3315 Hannibal Rd. in Burlington.
- Home Suite Hope
Home Suite Hope provides help to low income, single-parent families in Halton Region. They are currently in need of winter coats, boots, hats and mittens. Money donations to buy these items can be made online until Dec. 20.

- Mississauga Food Bank Holiday Hope Box
For just $11 dollars you can provide a Holiday Hope Box to a family in need this year. The Hope Boxes are filled with a week’s worth of food and help many hungry people within the community. Food donations can also be made directly to the Mississauga Food Bank. This event will be held until Jan. 6.
8. Safetynet
Safetynet Children & Youth Charities provides a food and clothing bank to those in need this season. They are currently in need of warm clothing for the winter. Food and clothing donations can be dropped off at the charity office at 226 Randall Street in Oakville.
- Halton Toys for Tots
Until Dec. 19 you can help support the Halton Toys for Tots. They will be collecting new, unwrapped toys, gift cards and Canadian Tire Money at various locations throughout Oakville.
- Peel Police Cram-A-Cruiser
Division 12 of the Peel Police will be holding a Cram-A-Cruiser event on Dec. 3 from 10am – 3pm. The event will take place at Loblaws at the Heartland Town Centre in Mississauga. They will be collecting food and money donations for the Mississauga Food Bank.

Here is some more information on food banks in Canada.