When you’re younger, usually you have dreams like becoming an astronaut, firefighter or a musician. Sheridan student Owen Fisher is attempting to pursue the latter of the three and he seems to be on the right track.
A third-year student in the BFTV program, Fisher began to create and expand his vocal abilities with intent to front a heavy band.
“I started doing vocals at around 14. At the time, I was into a lot of bands in the Warped Tour scene and I couldn’t sing all that well, so when I found hardcore, I realized I could do something like that.”

Drawing influences from the likes of Dead and Divine, and Underoath, his band, Perfect Limbs, also consisting of guitarists Tom Fitzpatrick and Andrew Worling, bassist Adam Pain and drummer Alex Thoms, have already done some amazing things. Playing a set at Warped Tour and getting a direct support slot for a show with post-hardcore heavyweights, Counterparts this summer under their belt, the band plan to keep things going and continue to pursue the band lifestyle (despite being in school at this time), aiming to book tours or shows at the moment.
“We’ve been talking to a few bands like Romancer and Lungless about booking some shows. We’re aiming for shows and tours when we have breaks from school or the summer break.”
As of now, the band recently released the EP, Tunnel Vision, in September and they plan to go record another at some point this year. As of now, their only confirmed show is a support slot for Cambridge band, Something You Whisper at Club NV in Brantford on Feb. 10.
You can check out the band’s EP here :
Instagram: @perfectlimbs
Twitter: @PerfectLimbs