On Nov. 20 Sheridan College will be hosting its first ever Trans Day of Remembrance event. The event, which has existed internationally since 1999 aims to inform students and the community about transgender violence, as well as to recognize those who have lost their lives to to it.
“This event is important because it allows trans people to draw attention to the barriers and stigmas they often face for being transgender.” says Cory Haslett, president of the Trafalgar Pride Club
The event also allows the transgender community to memorialize and remember those who were killed in the past year from anti-trans violence. Each year a list is posted at the Trans Day of Remembrance event outlining the names of those who have been killed. Last year that list topped 36 pages.
However this year’s Trans Day of Remembrance event aims to do more than memorialization. “While the events priority is memorialization, it’s also to have a discussion as to what we can do in the future,” says Haslett. Haslett wishes to do more than just recognize the list of those who have been killed. They want to have a discussion with the Sheridan community for the future, so that the list of victims may get shorter.
While the event is a success each year, Haslett believes that it is just another step in a much longer journey to preventing violence and removing transgender stigma.
The event will run from 6 p.m to 8 p.m in the Trafalgar Conference Centre, all students and the surrounding community are welcome to attend. For questions or comments, please contact the Student Union at awareness.ssuitrc@sheridancollege.ca or visit the Trans Day of Remembrance website.