Sheridan ranked 8th best employer in Canada
Sheridan College ranked eighth on Forbes’ Canada’s Best Employers list 2022. Dr. Janet Morrison, Sheridan President and Vice-Chancellor, says that there are five reasons behind the ranking. A shared purpose, career opportunities, employee engagement, understanding barriers, and employee recognition are the “five pieces of the puzzle”.
Forbes Magazine released its annual ranking of Canada’s Best Employers on January 25th. Sheridan College has climbed to 8th spot on Forbes’ Canada’s Best Employers list, achieving its highest position in the last three years. In 2020, Sheridan was ranked 87th and was 14th in 2021.
“Sheridan is a great place to work; I think it’s a reflection of shared purpose. We’ve spent a lot of time and energy over the last four years talking about our mission and why it’s so compelling,” says Dr. Morrison. “That all revolves around students and the opportunity, that kind of teaching, learning, discovery, research, community engagement, that provides to impact individuals and the communities that we serve.”
The ranking was based on an independent, anonymous survey of more than 10,000 Canadian workers employed by businesses with at least 500 employees.
The annual list shone light on Sheridan’s coronavirus response, particularly its innovative strategies to keep employees engaged and supported during the pandemic. It also saw Sheridan attract talent in one of the most multicultural countries in the world.
“Faculty and staff at Sheridan are the best in the business. They care deeply about students and their experiences. And they’re invested in reciprocal partnerships with industry, with the community with other partners,” says Dr. Morrison.
“Fairly comprehensive talent management strategy that is really focused on selling what’s so awesome about Sheridan and the communities that we serve and that also focuses on the development,” says Dr. Morrison. “Sheridan is a learning community, not just for students but also for faculty and staff. We really pride ourselves on an environment where opportunities, growth opportunities, stretch opportunities are prevalent for employees.”
Answering the question about how Sheridan reinforces the right reasons for job satisfaction, she says, “We have been very purposeful over the last few years about enhancing employee engagement or employee satisfaction; our mission is critically important. I think people who work here can see why Sheridan matters and why their work matters every day. And I find that personally, deeply motivating.”
Forbes conducted research for Forbes’ Canada’s Best Employers list in partnership with Statista, its market research partner. Survey respondents were asked to rate, on a scale of zero to 10, how likely they’d be to recommend their employer to others. Statista then asked respondents to nominate organizations other than their own. The final list ranks the top 300 employers from 37 industries, ranging from large corporations to community-based financial institutions, post-secondary institutions, and government agencies.