When students learned that pro life group, Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform made its way onto Sheridan’s Trafalgar Campus for an anti-abortion protest on Sept. 15, many were upset by the tactics used by the group. With the group’s threat to come to Sheridan again unannounced, students and faculty joined the SSU in the Union Square Atrium on Sept 21 in for a meeting on the topic.
There were around 70 students and faculty at the hour-long event. Students had the chance to speak out about the event. Olivia Beer, a second year Advertising student was one of the many concerned for the safety of students.
“Students couldn’t walk by the group without seeing a potentially traumatizing image,” said Beer on the podium. “We pay to go here. We have every right to say what we feel and this is not what I paid for at all.”
Beer was among the approximately 20 students who spoke at the forum. Every student wanted to make an impact, but SSU and students were having difficulty at times finding a common ground in how to do it safely and legally.
Anders Gatten, executive VP of SSU was among the board of directors at the event, who encouraged ‘proper protesting.’
“We encourage the students to get their messages across. If you want to start your own group and protest against these people, go right ahead.”
This encouragement inspired student, Aislinn Moore to quickly start a pro-choice group at the end of the forum.
“The student union’s words of encouragement – they supported our voices being heard, and wanted students to exercise their right to demonstrate as well and make known our opinions on the matter.”
By the end of the forum, Moore had more than 20 signatures from students and faculty. The amount of support given showed that students wanted to take action on this issue.
The pro-life group, Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform recently made the announcement that they plan on returning to Trafalgar Campus unannounced.