One Red Lipstick project made its way onto Sheridan’s Trafalgar Campus for an exclusive screening of the documentary by Anne Day and Fay Chapple on Oct. 26.
Believing that women need support and inspiration from their peers, the creators of One Red Lipstick have brought together 24 real-life stories of women as they overcame challenges, moved forward, and found success.
Around 80 guests, including Sheridan students and faculty, attended the three hour-long event. Day, who started Company of Women as a way to connect women in business, both professionally and personally, was joined at the screening by entrepreneur Fay Chapple, whose story inspired the One Red Lipstick project.
The approximately 30-minute long documentary inspired the crowd and gave them an opportunity to share their own stories and ask questions.

“More and more women are embarking on the entrepreneurial journey. You have to look whether it’s a good fit for you. BDC does a quiz that you can answer whether it’s a good fit for you,” said Anne Day. “Our life can change in a second but it doesn’t have to define us.”
Red lipstick has the power to make any woman feel fearless, and own her own power.
“I don’t normally wear red. So this was a bold step for me to put it on but it’s about step to start your business. I think that speaks what the project is all about,” said Day. “Just remember: on a bad day there is always red lipstick.”
Chapple, a founder of The Entrepreneurs Mastermind, let women know how to succeed even when they don’t feel they ever will.
“Put on your lipstick and get ready for whatever the world has for you that day,” said Chapple. “You never know what is coming in your way.”
“People really don’t like themselves when they’re doing something their hearts aren’t in and they have no desire to do it.”
Chapple gave women the very best piece of advice on how to start their own business. She said women can do anything they want as long as they can pay their bills.
“People should have a sense of reality. And if you want to try a new idea – cool, but keep your part time job and pay your bills and that starts working – quit.”
Hoping to help women overcome their fears and insecurity, they produced the film and published a book One Red Lipstick. The book is available on Amazon .
“If you have a story to share, you can have different ways to do it: you can come to our One Red Live events or you can send your story online once we start taking submissions for the next book.”
I just started reading “One Red Lipstick”. It is so inspiring and well written. I will definitely be recommending it to my female friends and two daughters.