If you’re one of Sheridan’s creative minds, then the library awareness week’s contest just might be for you.
From Nov. 7 -25 all students are encouraged to participate in raising library awareness by creating an original artifact. The artifact can be anything, ranging from a photo to a painting, or even music or video.
Each artifact should represent the student’s answer to the question “what is originality?”
“Library Awareness Week is an annual event that provides our library with an opportunity to showcase our services and collections,” said Elizabeth Schembri.

Schembri is in charge of reference and instruction at Sheridan’s Hazel McCallion Campus in Mississauga.
“Library Awareness Week is a great time to ask students to think about what originality means to them,” says Angela Clark, Sheridan’s academic integrity facilitator.
“By asking students to think about originality, the contest aims to highlight library resources, research skills and completing academic work with integrity.”
The contest helps to connect students with certain library services they might not have been previously aware of.
As well as connecting students with the many study spaces and other services the library has to offer.

Some examples include, library staff assisting students with the research process as well as helping them properly cite sources.
The First-year Academic Skills Liaison Librarian, Tutoring, Citation and Reference Specialists, Academic Integrity Remediation and the new Academic Integrity Office are all tools designed to help students.
“I believe that it is also important for the students to find a place to have fun and relax,” said Ann Ortega, who runs interlibrary loans and reserves at the Trafalgar Campus.
“At Trafalgar we run an annual Book Sale along with Library Awareness, students enjoy it a lot!” said Ortega.
Not only is the contest to raise library awareness, but also gives students a chance to show off their talents and creative ideas.
“We are celebrating the accomplishments of Sheridan students through this contest. The values of academic integrity, honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage, reflect Sheridan students, students who take pride in their work and feel the sense of accomplishment that comes with producing original ideas,” said Clark.
The artifacts will be submitted to a panel of judges who will determine the winner based on overall quality and creativity.
The winner of the contest will receive a Fuji Instax Mini 8 camera in the colour of their choice.
The contest is open to all currently enrolled students at all three Sheridan campuses.
Closing time for submissions is Friday, Nov 25 at 5 p.m.
Projects can be submitted in person to the library at any campus or through email to Angela Clark at