Sheridan College’s equipment rooms 109 and 111 supplies students in programs that use cameras, tripods, mics and other electronic equipment.
The room opens early in the morning from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. On the weekends times may change.
Using a One Card, students can take out any equipment needed for maximum two days.
Equipment is expected to be brought back on time. When the due date passes, students have to pay the penalty fee.
The equipment in the tech roomis bought with part of student’s tuitions. The wear and tear is paid for by the program the students are in.
“If there’s a piece of gear damaged then that’s a different case,” said Tiago De Sousa, a worker in the equipment room.
If the equipment comes back damaged after a student signs one out, like a lens on a camera is broken, students might have to pay half of the damage while the other half is covered by their program.
Currently the tech room at Sheridan College has five-part time workers and two full-timers. Every year about two to three students get hired. They are called DAs. DAs are usually part-time workers. They work around 24 hours a week while full timers work about 40 hours.

In a day about 300 to 400 students come to the tech room to sign out equipment they need.
The school gets new equipment every year in the summer. This makes it easier for the workers to inventory every piece of equipment to their system, and get it ready to be used for students.
A tip Sean McConnell, a part-time worker at the tech room, has for the students is “take care of the equipment like you pay for it, like it’s your own.” Both Mcconnell and De Sousa say that it’s best if equipmentis brought in on time and in good condition. It makes it easier for them and the students themselves. They say that they’re just workers and “The rules come from management.”
To contact the staff email equipmentroom@sheridancollege.ca
The rooms 109 and 111 are located in C-wing.