Julia Hanna is one of three candidates running in the upcoming 2018 mayoral election. Hanna has garnered the support of Oakville citizens who are attracted to her promises of economic development and putting an end to tax increases.

She is running for the first time in the Oakville mayoral election, going against current three-term mayor Rob Burton and John McLaughlin, an Oakville lawyer. She is well-known in the community as a restaurant owner, former Chamber of Commerce chair, and founder of not-for-profit group, Healthy Fam.
Julia Hanna began her career as a restaurateur in 1993, opening the doors to well-frequented Paradiso restaurant, and later on to Ritorno and Ristorante Julia. Hanna’s passion for food and helping others lead to her founding of Healthy Fam, group which aims to teach people of all ages how to master healthy eating.
Several Oakville citizens have come forward to express their support for Hanna as mayor, such as former Oakville MP and MPP, Terence Young.
“She understands how to create jobs and if I thought of anything we could do for your young people, our millennials in Oakville, is to have more jobs in town,” Young says.
Hanna also wants to make Oakville a place where Sheridan students have a future.
“One of the reasons that [students] are attending Sheridan College is to gain the knowledge, skills and experience to get a job and build a career. And since Oakville is such a wonderful community to work, live and play in, I think that you should have the opportunity to not just go to school here, but build a life, career and family here,” Hanna says
Oakville leads Halton Region in its high real estate prices, the average cost of a bachelor style house being $703,787.
Hanna says she would bring a different kind of leadership to the table if elected mayor.
“The current mayor has a record of centralizing control and dominating committees. My approach is different.” She says.
Mayor Burton is devoted to preserving the Glen Abbey golf course in Oakville, which is currently facing possible redevelopment.
Hanna’s platform promises include freezing tax increases and eliminating heavy traffic congestion in Oakville.
“I understand that many in our community struggle. I will end the 12-year record of tax increases. And I will improve town planning and implement smart traffic technology to reduce congestion on our roads,” says Hanna, a mother of five and wife of Brian Hanna, a Halton lawyer.
Oakville residents can vote in the municipal elections on Oct. 22.