Whether you are a student looking for a part time job, or a recent graduate struggling to find a career, millennials are the up-and-coming generation that is shaping how we think about work. This up-and-coming generation is supposed to lead the path to our future careers, and yet they are making every effort to find jobs, and having no luck. More than 12 per cent of Canadians between the ages of 15 and 24 are unemployed, and more than a quarter are underemployed according to CBC.

Luckily for Sheridan students and alumni, they have a service to help these job hunters find a position that suits their interests. Community Employment Services at Sheridan has successfully been joining employers and employee for 30 years. This free service is easily accessible to students and alumni and are staffed by skilled professionals. Nancy White, workshop coordinator at CES, is always happy to introduce students to motivated employers.
“Every step of the way CES can help you take stock, prepare, find opportunities and land the job that lets you truly shine. Through Employment Ontario funding, we are committed to assisting and supporting individuals to get the training, skills and experience to achieve their goals,” says White.
CES is committed to not only helping Sheridan students and graduates, but additionally supporting everyone in the community. They are located in a convenient area, not far from the Trafalgar Campus and Davis Campus. One of the best parts about CES is that it is open for people who just want to drop in. This is great for students because they can go in between classes, or any time that fits in their schedule. We are here to accommodate as much as you want and as little as you need, says White.
Workshops are held for individuals each week to help with success. White, who designs and teaches all of the workshops posts them online, and on Slate, giving students easy access to the workshops. Some of these workshops include, interview strategies, resume/cover letter, and job search strategies.
“They are on trend, in real time and I understand the need to be competitive in this job market by always being mindful of developing the human connection,” says White.
CES is a great service for students and the community because they are trusted with businesses and companies locally, provincially, and even nationally. They are reputable, and are diversified in their job search approach.
“We have hosted a plethora of recruitment events whether they are job specific or a company driven event,” says White.
By hosting events, CES has become a highly respected service, gaining relationships with companies in order to help their students have a wide variety of opportunities.
If you are looking for information on up and coming hiring events and job postings, visit CES.