Sheridan College has a wide range of books to choose from, online and at the library.
Either for entertainment or as study material, the libraries can provide books for all students.

The Learning Commons, lunch room, a classroom or at home it can be a bit noisy. Not only that, students may not have all the materials they need to study. For this reason, the library is preferred more often. Students at Sheridan can book study rooms to work on group assignments or to study together.
“I use the library as a quiet place by myself,” Busra Aktar, a second-year ECE student at Sheridan.

Most books taken out are textbooks and art books.

The library can be used for lectures too. Professors book certain times at the library for extra study times or lectures that students can attend.
Can’t come to the library? Students have many more options on the library website.
Sam Cheng, a librarian who has been working for two years at Sheridan College’s Trafalgar Campus explained, “Students use the library more for textbooks and study time.”
She spoke briefly about where the books at the library come from. Books come from the publishers themselves. Some are donations from professors and students but most come from a website called Koots, “It’s like Amazon but used for academics,” said Cheng.
Cheng also said that there are “small events” that any student or teacher can attend. Events that are research based. Sometimes there will be a small group in the library talking about their research and anyone can attend to learn more about it.
When Cheng was asked about the lost and damaged books she wasn’t quite sure what happens and what the consequences were but she did say there would most likely be some type of penalty. The student who lost the book will lose the privilege for a short period of time to take out another book. Or will have to pay a portion of the lost material.
Location of the library is 1430 Trafalgar Rd, C-wing. It is open Monday to Thursdays at 8:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. On Fridays at 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. On the weekends from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
To book study rooms, get more information, ask questions about books and upcoming events call (905)-845-9430 Ext. 2482.
Or at
Library contacts:
Sam Cheng Copyright Coordinator, Library Services
905-845-9430 x2173
Karen Lints FAHCA, Library Services
905-459-7533 x5454
Jamie Goodfellow First Year Academic Skills Librarian, Library and Learning Services
905-845-9430 x5676
Ann Ortega Reference and user Services Technician, Library and learning Services
905-845-9430 x2484
Madeleine Crew Access and Instructional Support Technician, Library and Learning Services
905-845-9430 x2574
Ahtasham Rizvi Collection Development Librarian, Library and Learning Services
905-845-9430 x2495