Switching from one college or university to another is a big decision. It is not easy to make living arrangements, meet program requirements and leave established relationships behind.
Asking your classmates will reveal that a number of them attended another post-secondary institution before becoming Bruins themselves.
According to The Toronto Star, 21,000 students attending post-secondary education in Ontario transfer between campuses every year.
Joshua Jewer is a first-year Game Design student who transferred from Mohawk’s Graphic Design program before the start of the fall semester. Jewer’s decision to transfer turned out to be the right one.
“The most positive difference I’ve noticed so far is the number and variety of professors. The Animation course at Mohawk was still very young and was run by only five instructors.”

It’s not only the professors that made the difference for Jewer.
“I get along with the people in [Game Design] more than I got along with classmates at Mohawk. We actually hang out as an entire class outside of school.”
Jewer says that he has made some good friends at Mohawk, but the nature of his program there led him to be more independent.
“Animation is typically a more solitary profession, whereas Game Design is more about teamwork. This program includes more group projects.”
Jewer says his professors push students who keep to themselves out of their comfort zone, since game design is a highly collaborative field.
“Our block of students has been told that we are the most vocal, so we also got the luck of the draw.”
It’s not all easy for Jewer though. His new program challenges him beyond his work at Mohawk.
“The projects the program expects from me are more varied. It can be stressful, but that’s part of the deal. Overall, I see the [added responsibility] as a good thing. If your college isn’t giving you what you need, and you want a more artistic and creative experience, I’d say make the switch.”
Former Bruin Jacob Prenger attended Sheridan briefly after two years at the University of Guelph.
“Guelph was beautiful. I had a lot of good times there, but the classroom setting was too big for me. I felt like it didn’t matter to anyone if I went to class or not— I could always teach myself online.”
Prenger spent a year in the Tool Making program at Sheridan’s Skills Trade Centre.
“The switch from a business program at Guelph to the start of an apprenticeship here was like night and day. I have family connections that opened other opportunities for me, so I didn’t finish the program, but I remember how welcome I felt.”

Prenger says he hasn’t been to Davis Campus, but Trafalgar Campus and HMC looked as good as other schools he’s been to.
“If I had to describe it: modern and sleek, especially HMC. If I was still looking for a place to go to school, I would check everything Sheridan has to offer. If you feel like you’re included at school, it makes everything easier.”
The move between college and university campuses across the province has become easier. Thanks to websites like ONTransfer, you can easily see which of your existing credits can be transferred and applied at another institution.
If you are feeling like you aren’t getting what you want from college, or thinking about expanding your education elsewhere, switching is do-able and common.
For more information about program decisions, check out these resources:
ONTransfer – The ONTransfer Course Transfer Guide allows you to see how courses completed at other Ontario postsecondary institutions may be transferred to program
Sheridan Career Centre – Available at all three campuses
Ontario Career Chooser – Find education and jobs that suit your skills and interests.