Thinking of becoming an Instagram guru? Check out this Q&A.

Ever wondered what life would be like if you worked on social media? Sharing your personal life to the public is not as easy as it may sound. A 23-year-old former Sheridan College student and current social media influencer, Jessie Leitch provides the details on her “glamorous” job.
Q: How did you come to know that you wanted to become a social media influencer?
A: “I realized I wanted to be a social media influencer because I wanted to work for myself and didn’t want to have a 9-5 job. As well as I wanted to be able to travel and create content and show others the interesting places I find.”
Q: What does the daily life of an influencer look like?
A: “The daily life is basically me running my two social media accounts and engaging with followers, emailing companies for brand collaborations and creating content. Whether that be taking photos or going to a location to shoot content and taking time to organize captions, hashtags and finding the best times to post.”
Q: How much time do you put in to your work?
A: “I’d say I spend a good amount of my day on social media engaging with others and commenting back, but I like to also take a break if I’m out. I try not to use my social media so there’s balance.”
Q: Who inspires you in this area of work? Is there anyone you look up to?
A: “Id say some people that inspire me in this area would be the travel blogger, Gypsea Lust because of the luxury travel she posts or lifestyle bloggers on Instagram or Sjana Earp who travels with a purpose. For example, she’ll travel to a tropical island but will also do volunteer work and that’s what I’d like to do in the future.”
Q: Where would you like to see yourself in the future with regards to your social media job?
A: “I hope to grow my following to a certain point where this can be my full-time job, creating content 24/7 and travelling to showcase the beautiful places in the world. I want to share that with my followers and to encourage them to follow their dreams, even if it’s not the norm.”
Listen to a part of her interview here: