As summer approaches, there are a lot of unknowns. Will things open up? What will be able to do? However, you can count on the Sheridan Student Union (SSU) to bring the (virtual) fun to you.
This year, for the first time, the SSU is bringing the “Summer Series” to a screen near you. The summer series are student-run events that start May 18th and continue for the next 3 months. The goal is to create the most engaging events for all students to enjoy summer virtually.
“We’re still trying to plan it out, this is something we’re planning to do throughout the whole summer,” said Kym Santiana, the Digital Community Coordinator at the Trafalgar campus via zoom. “We have some themed events that are in the works, so I’m actually quite excited to see what we can get going there.”
With life being virtual, the SSU has a specific formula on how to plan successful events. “We start off with our theme, plan our events around that, and then around our events we plan our socials,” Santiana says.
“This week is actually welcome week so our theme is kickback, we want people to kick it back, because it’s summertime you know, let’s have the games and events and drinks.”

Most of the events are by appointment only and are quickly filling up, so if you don’t manage to join one this month don’t you worry, you still have two more months of summertime fun.
“For those who are just hovering over that ‘join button’, what are you waiting for? Come on, jump in we are all friendly here and we would love to see you,” said Santiana.
To keep up to date with the Summer Series visit the SSU for new and exciting news and events.