A meet up for movie critics and fans alike was held on sept 17, 2017. Wildsound Festival is a monthly gathering where movie lovers and critics alike can go to watch and reviews short films from around the world. This regularly sold out show in Downtown Toronto is hosted at the Carlton cinemas by Matthew Toffolo a ex-film director and avid movie watcher.Wildsounds is a Festival for the Directors to get feedback as well as the audience to enjoy the movies.
When someone attends one of these Festivals they can expect to see two hours worth of film based on that evening’s categories. Categories include horror, animation, family, thriller and many more. With each festival having its own film category and unique theme. Then during the intermission and after the final movie the audience has a chance to share their thoughts on the movies. This comments and discussions are recorded and sent to the movies directors for feedback on their films.

Toffolo says he started Wildsound Film Festival because when he was a director and touring the country’s festivals he found “ I was leaving some festivals feeling disappointed and wishing I could have received more feedback from the audience about the film.”
Toffolo found that during other film festivals when the directors were present the audience wouldn’t give as an honest of a review.
After attending a number of festivals with the same outcome Toffolo started his own festival so that the directors of the movies shown could receive feedback for their movies in a moderated environment.
At all of Wildsounds showings they have a moderator for the comments that take place after the film. One of the moderators at the show was Kierston Drier, a former longtime regular of the event and regular movie goer. The role of the moderators is to “ guide the conversations and insure that it is constructive criticism we can send back to the directors and to push people to share their thoughts.’ shared Drier.
With Toffolo hosting two shows a month all year long. And a new category every night there is an event for everyone with Wildsounds. Wild sounds has expanded to Los Angeles and has plans for Chicago in the future. All events are held on Monday and Thursday nights at 7 p.m. , location is the Carlton Cinemas.